It has been a long time since we met...

Long enough to make a new generation...
Long enough for a child to get graduation...
Long enough for few more Civil War...
Long enough for the change of powers...

Know you from the very childhood...
First as a stranger to acquaintance...
We used to find each other almost every week in front of each other...
Still, you were just a stranger for me...
I used to do my work and you did yours...
And we left the place again without even knowing of it...

Time passes by so fast, isn't it?
Then after a few years, we again met...
But this time, that acquaintance became friends...
And this is how we became friends...
And then I moved to some other place...
And as time passed by, our contacts got lost...

Until that day, when I found that someone similar, 
To whom I knew followed me on social media...
And then we again started talking... 
But Time always plays a role... 
It moves on and on... 
And then we started knowing each other... 
Shared the memories and made a fresh start... 

But this time things got different... 
The one you knew and you see now are two different characters... 
As the one you knew was just a fool... 
And the one you see is the one that makes other fools... 
With situation and time, people changes... 
And you can't stop that... 

Time passed by and we started sharing each other's problems...
We started sharing each other's secret...
And now you find me as one of your secret keepers...
And I found an old friend of mine...
But this time, I could trust you more than ever I did...
Ya, I can trust you more than ever... 


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