Yes, I'm a boy... 
You think my life is too easy... 
Well, you are just wrong...
A boy's life is the most complicated thing in this world...
The planning starts before I'm born...
As soon as I came to this world...
There start our responsibilities...
As soon as we start to talk...
People's makes us learn everything that they can...
As we grow up... The responsibilities increases...
From childhood, we are taught to work hard...
So that we get a good job in future...
And lead a good life...
As days pass by, responsibilities seem like a burden that we cannot ignore...
Still, we work hard silently...
Then comes the teenage...
The change in mentalities occurs...
Many falls in love, many chooses the wrong way, and many stays as they were...
And then come these so-called people...
Who blames innocents for their own attention.
In many places... It's still the same...
Boy's are guilty until proven innocent...
And reverse goes for girls...
So many take these advantages...
Which many a time takes away someone's career...
Someone's life too... Still, these people need attention, sympathy and all...
It's not an end... After marriage, a man's responsibilities gets doubled...
Previously it was his own... Now it's his families...
He might not be happy, might not be in good health, might not be wealthy enough...
Still, he tries to fulfil his families wishes...
Just to see them happy...
None knows their struggle...
All see their wealth, happiness and all...
But they don't know, what's happening behind that fake smile...
Still, you would say they do nothing...
They don't provide you with enough things...
You call yourself a human...
Well, it's not your fault... As you get what you want...
Whether you are a child, an adult or an old woman...
Your every wish is fulfilled... 
Whenever you need something you get it right away...
That's all... Now you say... Is it simple??


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